
Current commit Comparing with
Hostname perf-ubuntu1604 perf-ubuntu1604
Branch master master
Commit number 59346 59346
Commit 42bbf1451ac 42bbf1451ac
Number of test runs 5 5

Test result summary

test1: Build core-image-sato build time 1:05:05 +0.00 s +0.0 %
tmpdir size 46.25 GiB +0.0 kiB +0.0 %
rootfs size 276.88 MiB +0.0 kiB +0.0 %
test12: Build virtual/kernel build time 5:53.8 +0.00 s +0.0 %
test13: Build core-image-sato with rm_work enabled build time 1:05:33 +0.00 s +0.0 %
tmpdir size 7.77 GiB +0.0 kiB +0.0 %
test2: Run core-image-sato do_rootfs with sstate do_rootfs time 2:12.6 +0.00 s +0.0 %
test3: Bitbake parsing (bitbake -p) parse_1 time 16.4 s +0.00 s +0.0 %
parse_2 time 11.5 s +0.00 s +0.0 %
parse_3 time 2.2 s +0.00 s +0.0 %
test4: eSDK metrics installer_bin size 283.15 MiB +0.0 kiB +0.0 %
deploy time 59.5 s +0.00 s +0.0 %
deploy_dir size 1.57 GiB +0.0 kiB +0.0 %

test1: Build core-image-sato

build time

1:05:05 +0.00 s (+0.0 %)
Test runs5
-/+-35.0 s / +29.4 s
Stdev32.4 s
Task resource usage
Number of tasks Top consumers of cputime
6389 (+0)
qemu-system-native.do_compile 3708 s
gcc.do_compile 3564 s
linux-yocto.do_compile 2827 s
glibc-locale.do_package 2629 s
gcc-cross-i686.do_compile 2421 s
Biggest increase in cputime Biggest decrease in cputime
qemu-system-native.do_compile +0 s
gcc.do_compile +0 s
linux-yocto.do_compile +0 s
glibc-locale.do_package +0 s
gcc-cross-i686.do_compile +0 s
tzcode-native.do_prepare_recipe_sysroot +0 s
depmodwrapper-cross.do_unpack +0 s
depmodwrapper-cross.do_fetch +0 s
cmake-native.do_fetch +0 s
qemu-helper-native.do_patch +0 s
No recipe version changes detected

tmpdir size

46.25 GiB +0.0 kiB (+0.0 %)
Test runs5
-/+-2.78 MiB / +1.99 MiB
Min46.25 GiB
Max46.25 GiB
Stdev2.11 MiB

rootfs size

276.88 MiB +0.0 kiB (+0.0 %)
Test runs5
-/+-4.8 kiB / +3.2 kiB
Min276.87 MiB
Max276.88 MiB
Stdev3.3 kiB

test12: Build virtual/kernel

build time

5:53.8 +0.00 s (+0.0 %)
Test runs5
-/+-3.9 s / +4.5 s
Stdev3.0 s

test13: Build core-image-sato with rm_work enabled

build time

1:05:33 +0.00 s (+0.0 %)
Test runs5
-/+-11.8 s / +12.5 s
Stdev8.7 s
Task resource usage
Number of tasks Top consumers of cputime
6888 (+0)
qemu-system-native.do_compile 3663 s
gcc.do_compile 3587 s
linux-yocto.do_compile 2815 s
glibc-locale.do_package 2557 s
gcc-cross-i686.do_compile 2451 s
Biggest increase in cputime Biggest decrease in cputime
qemu-system-native.do_compile +0 s
gcc.do_compile +0 s
linux-yocto.do_compile +0 s
glibc-locale.do_package +0 s
gcc-cross-i686.do_compile +0 s
ldconfig-native.do_rm_work +0 s
libgcc-initial.do_multilib_install +0 s
libgcc-initial.do_extra_symlinks +0 s
cmake-native.do_fetch +0 s
pulseaudio-client-conf-sato.do_fetch +0 s
No recipe version changes detected

tmpdir size

7.77 GiB +0.0 kiB (+0.0 %)
Test runs5
-/+-171.2 kiB / +224.8 kiB
Min7.77 GiB
Max7.77 GiB
Stdev147.7 kiB

test2: Run core-image-sato do_rootfs with sstate

do_rootfs time

2:12.6 +0.00 s (+0.0 %)
Test runs5
-/+-1.2 s / +1.3 s
Stdev1.2 s

test3: Bitbake parsing (bitbake -p)

parse_1 time

16.4 s +0.00 s (+0.0 %)
Test runs5
-/+-0.21 s / +0.47 s
Min16.2 s
Max16.8 s
Stdev0.29 s

parse_2 time

11.5 s +0.00 s (+0.0 %)
Test runs5
-/+-0.20 s / +0.19 s
Min11.3 s
Max11.7 s
Stdev0.17 s

parse_3 time

2.2 s +0.00 s (+0.0 %)
Test runs5
-/+-0.04 s / +0.04 s
Min2.2 s
Max2.3 s
Stdev0.04 s

test4: eSDK metrics

installer_bin size

283.15 MiB +0.0 kiB (+0.0 %)
Test runs5
-/+-69.8 kiB / +64.2 kiB
Min283.08 MiB
Max283.22 MiB
Stdev63.0 kiB

deploy time

59.5 s +0.00 s (+0.0 %)
Test runs5
-/+-1.3 s / +2.8 s
Min58.2 s
Stdev1.6 s

deploy_dir size

1.57 GiB +0.0 kiB (+0.0 %)
Test runs5
-/+-94.6 kiB / +54.4 kiB
Min1.57 GiB
Max1.57 GiB
Stdev62.2 kiB