NOTE: Processes that occur only once is not reported. Program names have been shortened for better readability. Substitutions are as follows: ~/ = /home/pokybuild/yocto-worker/ /...WORK_DIR.../ = /build/build/tmp/work/ top was invoked 1 times. Current build: qemumips64 Other builds: qemux86-64 musl-qemux86-64 top - 03:24:06 up 5:17, 1 user, load average: 37.97, 37.35, 42.12 Tasks: 783 total, 3 running, 770 sleeping, 0 stopped, 10 zombie %Cpu(s): 0.8 us, 1.6 sy, 1.8 ni, 95.9 id, 0.0 wa, 0.0 hi, 0.0 si, 0.0 st MiB Mem : 128818.2+total, 101552.3+free, 2358.578 used, 24907.34+buff/cache MiB Swap: 2048.977 total, 2044.965 free, 4.012 used. 125351.0+avail Mem PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+ COMMAND 28995 pokybui+ 20 0 41880 11192 5132 S 25.00 0.008 0:00.04 python3 /home/pokybuild/yocto-worker/musl-qemux86-64/yocto-autobuilder-helper/scripts/run-config musl-qemux86-64 /home/pokybuild/yocto-worker/musl-qemux86-64/build/build stable/dunfell-nut ssh:// --sstateprefix --buildappsrcrev --publish-dir --build-type full --workername opensuse153-ty-1 --build-url --results-dir /srv/autobuild+ 28970 pokybui+ 25 5 44404 5136 3700 R 12.50 0.004 0:00.02 top -c -b -n1 -w 512 28971 pokybui+ 25 5 44400 5300 3872 R 12.50 0.004 0:00.02 top -c -b -n1 -w 512 28973 pokybui+ 25 5 44400 5340 3908 R 12.50 0.004 0:00.03 top -c -b -n1 -w 512 218 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 6.250 0.000 0:05.19 [ksoftirqd/34] Userspace Process Summary: 16 python3 5 /bin/bash 4 /bin/sh 3 top 3 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd 3 make 2 /usr/bin/python3 2 /usr/bin/dbus-daemon 2 (sd-pam) Kernel Process Summary: 380 kworker 56 ksoftirqd 56 migration 56 idle_inject 56 cpuhp 11 irq 2 btrfs-endio-met 2 ext4-rsv-conver Zombie Process Summary: 7 KnottyUI 3 python3