NOTE: Processes that occur only once is not reported. Program names have been shortened for better readability. Substitutions are as follows: ~/ = /home/pokybuild/yocto-worker/ /...WORK_DIR.../ = /build/build/tmp/work/ top was invoked 4 times. Current build: qemuarm64-ptest Other builds: qemuarm64-ltp qemuarm64-ptest top - 17:22:14 up 3 days, 5:21, 1 user, load average: 9.84, 3.66, 7.39 Tasks: 1753 total, 15 running, 1738 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie %Cpu(s): 4.1 us, 2.9 sy, 1.9 ni, 91.0 id, 0.1 wa, 0.0 hi, 0.0 si, 0.0 st MiB Mem : 255963.9 total, 110220.8 free, 4993.7 used, 140749.3 buff/cache MiB Swap: 8192.0 total, 8092.7 free, 99.2 used. 248773.0 avail Mem PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+ COMMAND 1854994 pokybui+ 25 5 154340 66680 6556 R 100.0 0.0 0:00.20 python3 /home/pokybuild/yocto-worker/qemuarm64-ltp/build/bitbake/bin/bitbake-worker decafbad 1854962 pokybui+ 25 5 154340 66816 6556 S 90.0 0.0 0:00.23 python3 /home/pokybuild/yocto-worker/qemuarm64-ltp/build/bitbake/bin/bitbake-worker decafbad 1854970 pokybui+ 25 5 154340 66788 6556 R 85.0 0.0 0:00.22 python3 /home/pokybuild/yocto-worker/qemuarm64-ltp/build/bitbake/bin/bitbake-worker decafbad 1854975 pokybui+ 25 5 154340 66796 6556 R 85.0 0.0 0:00.21 python3 /home/pokybuild/yocto-worker/qemuarm64-ltp/build/bitbake/bin/bitbake-worker decafbad 1854978 pokybui+ 25 5 154340 66828 6556 S 85.0 0.0 0:00.21 python3 /home/pokybuild/yocto-worker/qemuarm64-ltp/build/bitbake/bin/bitbake-worker decafbad Userspace Process Summary: 20 python3 4 /bin/sh 3 /usr/bin/python3 2 bitbake-server 2 /sbin/agetty Kernel Process Summary: 792 kworker 192 ksoftirqd 192 migration 192 idle_inject 192 cpuhp 60 irq 4 jbd2 4 ext4-rsv-conver 2 kdmflush Zombie Process Summary: top - 17:36:05 up 3 days, 5:35, 1 user, load average: 20.22, 31.74, 20.90 Tasks: 1755 total, 2 running, 1753 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie %Cpu(s): 0.6 us, 1.2 sy, 0.0 ni, 97.7 id, 0.6 wa, 0.0 hi, 0.0 si, 0.0 st MiB Mem : 255963.9 total, 129765.3 free, 6160.1 used, 120038.4 buff/cache MiB Swap: 8192.0 total, 8092.7 free, 99.2 used. 245210.0 avail Mem PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+ COMMAND 1998195 pokybui+ 15 -5 4376724 1.0g 19584 S 210.5 0.4 11:11.99 /home/pokybuild/yocto-worker/qemuarm64-ltp/build/build/tmp/work/aarch64-linux/qemu-helper-native/1.0/recipe-sysroot-native/usr/bin/qemu-system-aarch64 -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=net0,mac=52:54:00:12:34:02 -netdev tap,id=net0,ifname=tap0,script=no,downscript=no -object rng-random,filename=/dev/urandom,id=rng0 -device virtio-rng-pci,rng=rng0 -drive id=disk0,file=/home/pokybuild/tmp/core-image-sato-qemuarm64.rootfs.ext4.1997574,if=none+ 2055005 pokybui+ 30 10 13400 9956 1556 R 84.2 0.0 2:04.58 rm /home/pokybuild/git/trash/1693498371-19778 -rf 2131601 pokybui+ 20 0 11896 5280 2852 R 26.3 0.0 0:00.08 top -c -b -n1 -w 512 1 root 20 0 167120 11416 7532 S 0.0 0.0 0:57.80 /sbin/init 2 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:03.54 [kthreadd] Userspace Process Summary: 10 python3 4 /bin/sh 3 /usr/bin/python3 2 /sbin/agetty 2 bitbake-server 1 rm Kernel Process Summary: 800 kworker 192 ksoftirqd 192 migration 192 idle_inject 192 cpuhp 60 irq 4 jbd2 4 ext4-rsv-conver 2 kdmflush Zombie Process Summary: top - 17:39:04 up 3 days, 5:38, 1 user, load average: 19.75, 26.24, 20.68 Tasks: 1789 total, 8 running, 1781 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie %Cpu(s): 2.1 us, 0.4 sy, 3.6 ni, 93.8 id, 0.0 wa, 0.0 hi, 0.0 si, 0.0 st MiB Mem : 255963.9 total, 119699.4 free, 10732.6 used, 125531.9 buff/cache MiB Swap: 8192.0 total, 8092.7 free, 99.2 used. 240637.5 avail Mem PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+ COMMAND 1998195 pokybui+ 15 -5 4529992 1.0g 19584 S 395.0 0.4 17:29.66 /home/pokybuild/yocto-worker/qemuarm64-ltp/build/build/tmp/work/aarch64-linux/qemu-helper-native/1.0/recipe-sysroot-native/usr/bin/qemu-system-aarch64 -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=net0,mac=52:54:00:12:34:02 -netdev tap,id=net0,ifname=tap0,script=no,downscript=no -object rng-random,filename=/dev/urandom,id=rng0 -device virtio-rng-pci,rng=rng0 -drive id=disk0,file=/home/pokybuild/tmp/core-image-sato-qemuarm64.rootfs.ext4.1997574,if=none+ 2195926 pokybui+ 25 5 550128 524512 22364 R 100.0 0.2 0:25.58 /home/pokybuild/yocto-worker/qemuarm64-ptest/build/build/tmp/work/cortexa57-poky-linux/glibc-tests/2.38/recipe-sysroot-native/usr/bin/aarch64-poky-linux/../../libexec/aarch64-poky-linux/gcc/aarch64-poky-linux/13.2.0/cc1 -quiet -nostdinc -I ../include -I /home/pokybuild/yocto-worker/qemuarm64-ptest/build/build/tmp/work/cortexa57-poky-linux/glibc-tests/2.38/build-aarch64-poky-linux/math -I /home/pokybuild/yocto-worker/qemuarm64-ptest/bui+ 2196285 pokybui+ 25 5 609212 579156 22420 R 100.0 0.2 0:23.56 /home/pokybuild/yocto-worker/qemuarm64-ptest/build/build/tmp/work/cortexa57-poky-linux/glibc-tests/2.38/recipe-sysroot-native/usr/bin/aarch64-poky-linux/../../libexec/aarch64-poky-linux/gcc/aarch64-poky-linux/13.2.0/cc1 -quiet -nostdinc -I ../include -I /home/pokybuild/yocto-worker/qemuarm64-ptest/build/build/tmp/work/cortexa57-poky-linux/glibc-tests/2.38/build-aarch64-poky-linux/math -I /home/pokybuild/yocto-worker/qemuarm64-ptest/bui+ 2197496 pokybui+ 25 5 559536 536212 22428 R 100.0 0.2 0:23.11 /home/pokybuild/yocto-worker/qemuarm64-ptest/build/build/tmp/work/cortexa57-poky-linux/glibc-tests/2.38/recipe-sysroot-native/usr/bin/aarch64-poky-linux/../../libexec/aarch64-poky-linux/gcc/aarch64-poky-linux/13.2.0/cc1 -quiet -nostdinc -I ../include -I /home/pokybuild/yocto-worker/qemuarm64-ptest/build/build/tmp/work/cortexa57-poky-linux/glibc-tests/2.38/build-aarch64-poky-linux/math -I /home/pokybuild/yocto-worker/qemuarm64-ptest/bui+ 2195280 pokybui+ 25 5 525484 504344 22432 R 95.0 0.2 0:29.79 /home/pokybuild/yocto-worker/qemuarm64-ptest/build/build/tmp/work/cortexa57-poky-linux/glibc-tests/2.38/recipe-sysroot-native/usr/bin/aarch64-poky-linux/../../libexec/aarch64-poky-linux/gcc/aarch64-poky-linux/13.2.0/cc1 -quiet -nostdinc -I ../include -I /home/pokybuild/yocto-worker/qemuarm64-ptest/build/build/tmp/work/cortexa57-poky-linux/glibc-tests/2.38/build-aarch64-poky-linux/math -I /home/pokybuild/yocto-worker/qemuarm64-ptest/bui+ Userspace Process Summary: 11 python3 7 ~/qemuarm64-ptest/...WORK_DIR.../cortexa57-poky-linux/glibc-tests/2.38/...GCC.../aarch64-poky-linux/13.2.0/cc1 7 ~/qemuarm64-ptest/...WORK_DIR.../cortexa57-poky-linux/glibc-tests/2.38/...GCC.../aarch64-poky-linux/13.2.0/as 7 aarch64-poky-linux-gcc 5 /bin/sh 3 /usr/bin/python3 3 make 2 /sbin/agetty 2 bitbake-server Kernel Process Summary: 810 kworker 192 ksoftirqd 192 migration 192 idle_inject 192 cpuhp 60 irq 4 jbd2 4 ext4-rsv-conver 2 kdmflush Zombie Process Summary: top - 17:44:06 up 3 days, 5:43, 1 user, load average: 20.77, 26.09, 22.45 Tasks: 1851 total, 1 running, 1850 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie %Cpu(s): 0.0 us, 0.9 sy, 0.4 ni, 90.9 id, 7.8 wa, 0.0 hi, 0.0 si, 0.0 st MiB Mem : 255963.9 total, 120079.3 free, 7381.9 used, 128502.6 buff/cache MiB Swap: 8192.0 total, 8092.7 free, 99.2 used. 243988.2 avail Mem PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+ COMMAND 2408726 pokybui+ 20 0 12028 5540 2848 R 26.3 0.0 0:00.09 top -c -b -n1 -w 512 2378435 pokybui+ 25 5 7028 3292 2860 S 5.3 0.0 0:01.91 /bin/bash ../scripts/ c 3 aarch64-poky-linux-gcc -mcpu=cortex-a57 -march=armv8-a+crc -mbranch-protection=standard -fstack-protector-strong -O2 -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wformat -Wformat-security -Werror=format-security --sysroot=/home/pokybuild/yocto-worker/qemuarm64-ptest/build/build/tmp/work/cortexa57-poky-linux/glibc-tests/2.38/recipe-sysroot -fuse-ld=bfd -fgnu89-inline -O2 -pipe -g -feliminate-unused-debug-ty+ 2378481 pokybui+ 25 5 7028 3272 2836 S 5.3 0.0 0:01.82 /bin/bash ../scripts/ c++ 3 aarch64-poky-linux-g++ -mcpu=cortex-a57 -march=armv8-a+crc -mbranch-protection=standard -fstack-protector-strong -O2 -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wformat -Wformat-security -Werror=format-security --sysroot=/home/pokybuild/yocto-worker/qemuarm64-ptest/build/build/tmp/work/cortexa57-poky-linux/glibc-tests/2.38/recipe-sysroot -I/home/pokybuild/yocto-worker/qemuarm64-ptest/build/build/tmp/wor+ 1 root 20 0 167120 11416 7532 S 0.0 0.0 0:57.84 /sbin/init 2 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:03.54 [kthreadd] Userspace Process Summary: 39 python3 33 /bin/sh 15 ~/qemuarm64-ptest/build/build/tmp/sysroots-components/aarch64/pseudo-native/usr/bin/pseudo 14 mv 5 /bin/bash 3 /usr/bin/python3 3 make 2 /sbin/agetty 2 bitbake-server Kernel Process Summary: 805 kworker 192 ksoftirqd 192 migration 192 idle_inject 192 cpuhp 60 irq 4 jbd2 4 ext4-rsv-conver 2 kdmflush Zombie Process Summary: