NOTE: Processes that occur only once is not reported. Program names have been shortened for better readability. Substitutions are as follows: ~/ = /home/pokybuild/yocto-worker/ /...WORK_DIR.../ = /build/build/tmp/work/ top was invoked 2 times. Current build: qemumips-alt Other builds: beaglebone-alt poky-tiny qemumips-alt top - 22:24:16 up 4 days, 6:09, 1 user, load average: 33.89, 50.69, 36.15 Tasks: 839 total, 5 running, 834 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie %Cpu(s): 0.3 us, 3.5 sy, 3.6 ni, 92.4 id, 0.0 wa, 0.1 hi, 0.1 si, 0.0 st MiB Mem : 128781.6 total, 2716.9 free, 12485.9 used, 113578.9 buff/cache MiB Swap: 8192.0 total, 2146.3 free, 6045.7 used. 115238.3 avail Mem PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+ COMMAND 2927968 pokybui+ 25 5 892204 723060 21056 R 100.0 0.5 2:15.18 /usr/libexec/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/13/cc1plus -quiet -I . -I . -I ../../../../../../../work-shared/gcc-13.2.0-r0/gcc-13.2.0/gcc -I ../../../../../../../work-shared/gcc-13.2.0-r0/gcc-13.2.0/gcc/. -I ../../../../../../../work-shared/gcc-13.2.0-r0/gcc-13.2.0/gcc/../include -I ../../../../../../../work-shared/gcc-13.2.0-r0/gcc-13.2.0/gcc/../libcpp/include -I ../../../../../../../work-shared/gcc-13.2.0-r0/gcc-13.2.0/gcc/../libcody -I ../.+ 3033926 pokybui+ 25 5 3808 1792 1792 R 88.2 0.0 0:09.80 tar --extract --no-same-owner -f - 3033925 pokybui+ 25 5 68292 65408 1344 R 70.6 0.0 0:12.64 xz -dc /srv/autobuilder/ 3042661 pokybui+ 20 0 6804 4032 2688 R 17.6 0.0 0:00.04 top -c -b -n1 -w 512 3042664 pokybui+ 20 0 6804 4032 2688 R 17.6 0.0 0:00.04 top -c -b -n1 -w 512 Userspace Process Summary: 29 /home/pokybuild/buildbot-venv/bin/python3 6 python3 6 /bin/sh 3 systemd-userwork: 3 make 3 /bin/bash 2 top 2 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd 2 /usr/bin/python3 1 tar Kernel Process Summary: 481 kworker 56 ksoftirqd 56 migration 56 idle_inject 56 cpuhp Zombie Process Summary: top - 22:24:16 up 4 days, 6:09, 1 user, load average: 33.89, 50.69, 36.15 Tasks: 839 total, 5 running, 834 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie %Cpu(s): 0.3 us, 3.6 sy, 3.7 ni, 92.3 id, 0.0 wa, 0.1 hi, 0.1 si, 0.0 st MiB Mem : 128781.6 total, 2716.4 free, 12486.4 used, 113578.9 buff/cache MiB Swap: 8192.0 total, 2146.3 free, 6045.7 used. 115237.8 avail Mem PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+ COMMAND 2927968 pokybui+ 25 5 892204 723060 21056 R 100.0 0.5 2:15.18 /usr/libexec/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/13/cc1plus -quiet -I . -I . -I ../../../../../../../work-shared/gcc-13.2.0-r0/gcc-13.2.0/gcc -I ../../../../../../../work-shared/gcc-13.2.0-r0/gcc-13.2.0/gcc/. -I ../../../../../../../work-shared/gcc-13.2.0-r0/gcc-13.2.0/gcc/../include -I ../../../../../../../work-shared/gcc-13.2.0-r0/gcc-13.2.0/gcc/../libcpp/include -I ../../../../../../../work-shared/gcc-13.2.0-r0/gcc-13.2.0/gcc/../libcody -I ../.+ 3033926 pokybui+ 25 5 3808 1792 1792 R 88.2 0.0 0:09.80 tar --extract --no-same-owner -f - 3033925 pokybui+ 25 5 68292 65408 1344 R 58.8 0.0 0:12.64 xz -dc /srv/autobuilder/ 3042661 pokybui+ 20 0 6804 4032 2688 R 17.6 0.0 0:00.04 top -c -b -n1 -w 512 3042664 pokybui+ 20 0 6804 4032 2688 R 17.6 0.0 0:00.04 top -c -b -n1 -w 512 Userspace Process Summary: 29 /home/pokybuild/buildbot-venv/bin/python3 6 python3 6 /bin/sh 3 systemd-userwork: 3 make 3 /bin/bash 2 top 2 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd 2 /usr/bin/python3 1 tar Kernel Process Summary: 481 kworker 56 ksoftirqd 56 migration 56 idle_inject 56 cpuhp Zombie Process Summary: