NOTE: Processes that occur only once is not reported. Program names have been shortened for better readability. Substitutions are as follows: ~/ = /home/pokybuild/yocto-worker/ /...WORK_DIR.../ = /build/build/tmp/work/ top was invoked 1 times. Current build: beaglebone-alt Other builds: beaglebone-alt genericx86 top - 20:15:46 up 4 days, 3:53, 1 user, load average: 10.81, 11.97, 17.08 Tasks: 684 total, 4 running, 680 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie %Cpu(s): 1.7 us, 7.1 sy, 14.0 ni, 76.8 id, 0.1 wa, 0.2 hi, 0.2 si, 0.0 st MiB Mem : 128283.3 total, 2436.3 free, 10932.6 used, 116159.4 buff/cache MiB Swap: 4096.0 total, 3808.5 free, 287.5 used. 117350.7 avail Mem PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+ COMMAND 3115710 pokybui+ 25 5 6079704 4.4g 2612 S 466.7 3.5 6:44.20 xz --memlimit=5% --threads=8 -9 3149274 pokybui+ 25 5 126384 25956 4344 R 83.3 0.0 0:06.03 /home/pokybuild/yocto-worker/beaglebone-alt/build/build/tmp/work/beaglebone_yocto-poky-linux-gnueabi/core-image-sato/1.0/recipe-sysroot-native/usr/bin/opkg --volatile-cache -f /home/pokybuild/yocto-worker/beaglebone-alt/build/build/tmp/work/beaglebone_yocto-poky-linux-gnueabi/core-image-sato/1.0/opkg.conf -t /home/pokybuild/yocto-worker/beaglebone-alt/build/build/tmp/work/beaglebone_yocto-poky-linux-gnueabi/core-image-sato/1.0/temp/ipk+ 3085538 pokybui+ 25 5 275088 181120 6360 S 50.0 0.1 1:39.62 /home/pokybuild/buildbot-venv/bin/python3 /home/pokybuild/yocto-worker/beaglebone-alt/build/bitbake/bin/bitbake-worker decafbadbeef 3153231 pokybui+ 25 5 373180 281576 8664 S 44.4 0.2 0:00.30 /home/pokybuild/buildbot-venv/bin/python3 /home/pokybuild/yocto-worker/beaglebone-alt/build/bitbake/bin/bitbake-worker decafbad 3153268 pokybui+ 25 5 373180 281784 8856 S 44.4 0.2 0:00.27 /home/pokybuild/buildbot-venv/bin/python3 /home/pokybuild/yocto-worker/beaglebone-alt/build/bitbake/bin/bitbake-worker decafbad Userspace Process Summary: 22 /home/pokybuild/buildbot-venv/bin/python3 4 ~/beaglebone-alt/build/build/tmp/sysroots-components/x86_64/pseudo-native/usr/bin/pseudo 4 python3 3 /bin/bash 3 /bin/sh 2 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd 2 /usr/bin/python3 2 ~/genericx86/build/build/tmp/sysroots-components/x86_64/pseudo-native/usr/bin/pseudo 1 tar Kernel Process Summary: 274 kworker 56 ksoftirqd 56 migration 56 idle_inject 56 cpuhp 3 kdmflush 3 xfs-buf 3 xfs-conv 3 xfs-reclaim 3 xfs-blockgc 3 xfs-inodegc 3 xfs-log 3 xfs-cil 3 xfsaild Zombie Process Summary: